This post will be a summary of comments made by Japanese students. Once we have two or three classes of students making comments. Students will be assigned the task of summarizing the comments. The best summaries will be posted.
Read the comments of others and then add a unique comment of your own. You may comment on what others have said or disagree with what they have said.
How to comment:
Use the Name/URL option to identify your comment. The name used for your comment should put your class code followed by a "-" then your first name and last initial (Anonymous comments may or may not be posted and if you are being marked, you will not get a mark).
Read the comments of others and then add a unique comment of your own. You may comment on what others have said or disagree with what they have said.
How to comment:
Use the Name/URL option to identify your comment. The name used for your comment should put your class code followed by a "-" then your first name and last initial (Anonymous comments may or may not be posted and if you are being marked, you will not get a mark).
they are under to much pressure and the teacher need to ease up on them. 886 suicides in one year for school reasons. school is suppose be a learning area not a stressful one. They should take on a north american style of teaching were there is less stress on the peers.